Friday, August 22, 2008

No Rain Dances Please

I can't believe it's been 5 weeks since my last post. Well, there are a few good reasons (excuses) for this.

1st of all, I'm involved in a 'mission nearly impossible' kind of project. One with a ridiculous schedule & a contract that includes penalty clauses if deadlines aren't met - In the meantime, we've lost 14 out of 40 work days due to rain.

2nd - I spent a couple of days in the hospital in late July. I'm OK, don't remember the first day. Home in time for my birthday which everyone forgot - as usual (except for Deb). Why is that I wonder?

3rd - Polishing (again) a manuscript. It's amazing how there's always something to tweak, especially when trying to show rather than tell. I've been doing an exhaustive line by line word by word final critique with modifications.

4th - We're struggling through tropical storm Fay - & we have relatives from Pennsylvania visiting all week - they've been stuck indoors for a couple of days now. Started with a rainy day Tuesday. The TS hit St Augustine Wednesday - & stalled off the coast. Day 1 - about 12" of sideways rain in 9 hours. Day 2 it started to move a bit - 4" of rain. Day 3 - The back edge of the storm so we're going to get another 6" - to go with the high winds. The storm is slow moving so as it spins - we keep getting nailed over & over again. Lots of flooding, bridges closed, power outages, & nuts trying to surf.

Hopefully things will settle a bit in September - though I hear there's a good chance for a rather large hurricane in our not so distant future.

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