Here's Deb's view from our temporay "home".
I get to see it too - typically a little earlier each day .....
Got her camera goin' as usual......
Think we're gonna build an aviary at home. Deb's a big butterfly fan ......
.... and lover of strange flowers & plants - The ones that attract creatures like these......
.... noisy lil' finches....
..... tiny Hummingbirds.......
.... and Lorikeets, like the one I'm holding above. Birds are my favorite - butterflies are still just bugs ...
Okay... one more bird ..... an action photo of a thumb-sized Hummingbird....
So Deb's photography stuff is thriving while my writing is .... not. Drove 520 miles round trip (in part) to get one of my desk chairs (but not my big screen computer - sniff...) trying to get comfortable. No luck. Guess Mickey Muse wasn't up for this trip. The way the writin's goin' - this blog may become a pictorial, with a new host, I mean hostess. Guess I'll go hang out ..... here (& wait for Mickey).