Saturday, January 30, 2010

Prolific Blogger Award!

My good friends Authors Joylene Butler Author of the book DEAD WITNESS) & Katherine Neff Perry (Author if the book ALMOST HOME) both nominated me for this awesome award. Pretty cool stuff & the blog where this originated is worth visiting as well. BTW - Thanks Joy & Katt.

Here are the official award rules

1. Pass this award to at least seven other deserving prolific bloggers. Here goes:
Carol Garvin awesome writer & thought-provoking blogger, Pat Bertram Author of DAUGHTER AM I, Keith Pyeatt Author of STRUCK, Laura Best Author of BITTER SWEET, Nancy Cohen Author of SILVER SERENADE, Jenna ( & her group of future writing stars) at Quill & Ink, and  finally Jennifer Hubbard Author THE SECRET YEAR.

2. Link to the blog from which you received the award

3. Link back to this Prolific Blogger post, which explains the origins and motivation for the award.

4. Add your name to the LINK.

Now go check out these great sites (& books) & follow the links to several others worth following.